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Denver Pride 2024

On Sunday, my daughter and I went out for Denver Pride. Every year, Denver has a two-day event in the park near the Capital building, with a parade, vendors, and organizations that do work to support the LGBTQ+ community in attendance. We had a great time this year, although the weather was in the 90's so we didn't end up staying all day.

Attending a Pride event during the month of June is a great way to be able to feel like a part of a community. Just for one day, you can be fully yourself, without fear of what anyone will think or say. You know you are entering an inclusive space. It's a time to let yourself shine, maybe even go a little crazy with your outfit.

All the brightly colored flags and outfits are everywhere. When you go through the gates at Pride, it's a feeling of belonging. Like you are finally right where you were always meant to be.

There are all kinds of shops and vendors selling snacks, beer, and Pride gear. But in addition to that, it is an inclusive space where you can find all sorts of service organizations to get involved with.

We talked to different colleges about their inclusive programs. Represented there were CU, CSU, University of Wyoming and Iliff School of Theology. It was great to see that there are opportunities for higher education that provide inclusivity for students.

It's amazing how many charities there are doing work to help the LGBTQ+ community on a daily basis, and this is a great way to find out what there is in your local area.

Some of the organizations that we spoke to at Denver Pride included:

They provide eating disorder care in Denver, Kansas City and Omaha.

EDCare is an eating disorder treatment center, with locations in Denver, Kansas City, and Omaha. Our dedicated team of professionals is passionate about helping individuals on their journey to recovery. As an evidence-based eating disorder treatment clinic, we utilize the latest research and best practices to ensure optimal patient outcomes.

They provide treatment for anyone suffering from an eating disorder, so that you don't have to suffer alone with body image problems. They teach about seeing yourself as a whole person, rather than an object with certain physical characteristics.

This is an organization advocating for mental health education, as well as teaching the public about how to better have difficult conversations with the people in our lives about mental health and suicide.

Our mission is to empower humans by providing the knowledge and skills needed to navigate difficult conversations about mental health, substance abuse, and suicide. We firmly believe that education and open conversations have the power to saves lives!

Since many people in the LGBTQ+ community can struggle with acceptance in their families and communities, mental healthcare is an important facet of living your best life. Therapy and counseling can go a long way towards self-acceptance and having better relationships.

The Kadampa Meditation Center offers Buddhist meditation classes, and talks on Buddhist subjects.

Kadampa Meditation Center Colorado is a spiritual community, a sanctuary in the city in which we can learn to practice Kadampa Buddhist meditations and use wisdom to solve our daily problems, grow spiritually and transform our world. Based on the books of the contemporary Buddhist master, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and the lineage of Kadampa Buddhist masters, KMC CO presents Buddha’s teachings in an authentic and accessible manner that can easily be integrated into busy modern life. Located in the SloHi neighborhood in Denver, Colorado, we offer in-person and live-streamed meditation classes for all levels of interest and experience. 

Since meditation is a great way to reduce stress and improve your mood, going to a meditation class is positive for your mental and spiritual well being. Becoming part of a spiritual community is also a great way to build a sense of community in your own life.

Parasol Patrol - Shielding kids from hate

The Parasol Patrol is a unique organization that attends LGBTQ+ events and stands in-between kids and violent protestors. I thought this is a really unique and helpful organization that is advocating for our LGBTQ+ kids.

We shield children and young people at LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC events.  We use umbrellas to create a visual barrier so kids won't have to see the signs and angry faces and we even have noise canceling headphones for the little ones because grown adults come with bullhorns to yell at children.

This is a great and important mission, because there has been so much hate in politics and the media that is aimed at LGBTQ+ kids. People have a tendency to forget that these are vulnerable children, who need help and support from adults in their lives. Anyone making a difference to shield our kids is doing great work!

This is an organization that is advocating better mental healthcare for LGBTQ+ young people. Often, there are many mental health issues associated with bullying, lack of acceptance, trauma and more that LGBTQ+ young people experience.

Q is for Questioning is a series of three interactive workshops (virtual and in-person) led by licensed clinicians and community members. These workshops provide adults in the lives of LGBTQ+ youth education on LGBTQ+ identity and mental health. Participants receive tools and resources to better support and affirm the LGBTQ+ youth in their lives.
If you are an adult in the life of an LGBTQ+ young person, please know that you can make a world of difference. Join us at an upcoming workshop, in-person or virtually, listed below. To learn more or bring Q is for Questioning to your region, contact us at

By providing these workshops, they help to prepare adults in the lives of LGBTQ+ young people to be supportive, and to provide a safe space. Having caring adults in their lives can go a long way towards achieving better mental health outcomes.

Project Helping is a mental health non-profit that believes volunteerism, and doing good for others, is good for your mental health. Volunteering can have a stress reducing effect for yourself, as well as doing good for others.

They do their work through providing Kynd Kits:

Kynd Kits are volunteer projects in a box. Everything you need to do a meaningful project for someone in need is delivered right to your door.

You can either volunteer to make the kits, or use them in a volunteer project in your neighborhood.

Happy Pride!

I hope that you all have had a wonderful pride month this year! If you have attended, or plan to attend, an event in your area, it is a great way to make connections within the community. It's amazing how many people attend Pride! Everything from those in the LGBTQ+ community, families, and allies. You can even find booths giving out Free Mom Hugs.

Whether you attend a Pride event or not, I hope you know that you belong, you matter, your choices and your lifestyle are valid. We are all unique and valuable people.

Love is beautiful, in all its many forms. I hope that one day this message will be so loud and clear in our world that it will finally be able to block out the voices of hate.

Everyone deserves to be able to be themselves, to live their most authentic lives every day, without fear of retribution. By becoming involved in Pride events, and participating in charity and advocacy work throughout the year, we all do our best to make the world a better place for everyone.


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